Sunday, September 20, 2009

Fall Decorating

Fall is one of my most favorite seasons, and I enjoy decorating for it a little, I don't spend hardly anything on my decor, and really less is more!
(Before I go further don't forget to enter the free drawing below, the winner will be announced Monday evening)


The front door!

My mini herb garden

The Kitchen Table, this tablecloth is from Dollar General for $1.

This is my new canister, my honey suprised me one day with this wonderful Anchor Hocking canister from Surplus City, what a blessing!

A wonderful gift from our little Black Bantam Cochin Frizzle hen, we call her Feather Duster!

The Almighty thrown! ;-)


  1. Marie, Judy Scuppernong is actually a collection of childrens poems written by Brenda Seabrooke and beautifully illustrated by Ted Lewin. I don't actually own it but I bet you could get it from your library.

  2. You've inspired me to get out my fall decorations too!

    And I also have to mention that I've never seen a toilet placed at an angle like that before. Something to think about for those of us looking at bathroom renovations sometime in the distant future. *G
