A little bit of nature.
A little bit of browsing through catalogs.
A little bit of chalkboard paint & burlap.....
That's my Inspiration.
A couple of weeks ago I decided to spruce up the front porch. I noticed some firewood in a shelf in my Pottery Barn catalog and on the ends they had painted Ho! Ho! Ho! for Christmas, that's when I decided I could bundle up my own firewood on my porch, wrap it all up in burlap and paint the words welcome on the ends!
The girls helped me find the right sizes of firewood and I laid my burlap fabric strip on the park bench. Once I had the amount of logs I needed I tied the burlap tight.
The only paint I had on hand was chalkboard and I couldn't even place a paint brush so I fingerpaited the letters on. We had some pumpkins given to us at a local pumpkin patch and Voila ~ Fall decorating on a dime, using nature as inspiration.
I hope this inspires you as well.
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