Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Homemade Salt Beads & Easy Paint

It's HOT outside. Really HOT! So I have been looking for indoor activities. Also I have banned Netflix from the girls and any DVD's on our TV. We are wanting to work on Character qualities and spend more time together so instead we are doing more crafts and fun things instead of letting our brains turn to mush by watching cartoons. :)  I'm not opposed to shows and even though they were not watching tons I felt like it was time for a break!

I've noticed since we have they have become even more creative, giving, and helpful. 

 We are making SALT BEADS!  This is so easy and fun and I even had everything in my cabinet.

Homemade Salt Beads

1/2 cup water
1 cup flour
1 cup salt

Knead these three ingredients together. Throw the lump of dough on the table and let your kiddies have at it. You can make fun different shapes and use toothpicks to make the holes in the center. If it's hot outside like it is at our place you can set these on your roof to bake or in the oven at 250 F for 2-3 hours. Frankly I'm not heating up the house any more! 

Easy Homemade Paints

1 tsp. water
1 tsp. of dish soap (I used Dr. Bronners because it's non-toxic and clear) Dr. Bronner - Organic Castile Soap Unscented Baby-Mild, 32 fl oz liquid
1/2 tsp. food coloring

Mix these ingredients in a small jar and Voila! Homemade paint! The kiddos are loving this!

Finished Beads!


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